Soooooo . . . what's really going on?

Here you can checkout artwork, videos, screenshots, and whatever wild n crazy adventures we partake in.

The Workshop 1

Our first video game tournament @ El Taller in Lawrence, MA.

The Workshop 3

Third tournament in our Workshop series @ El Taller in Lawrence, MA.

Video Gamers United 2014 - Washington D.C


                                                                                    Able Gamers


We met Able Gamers at VGU 2014. They are an organization that aims to improve the overall quality of life for those with disabilities through the power of video games. So awweeeeessooommmeee! If you don't know about them check them out at


                          3 piece combo!!!!

                         2 coders to the left followed with an artist to the right.                                           Three members of our awesome team: Nic (left),                        Charlie (middle), and Edwin (right)

                              Billy and Elmo


       Random pic with Billy and Elmo. Elmo whats wrong with your eyes bro.

                                                Christian Game Developers Conference 2014