The Journey Begins
A slave striving to feed his people in a land of ruin facing a horrible food drought.
(All the art is prototype art and are subject to change in the future title is to be determined)
Demo In Progress
We have a prototype base and are currently fleshing it out for a polished demo.
One of our key goals is to master the feel of everything in our world. Animation will play a big role in this.
We are working hard to provide environments to traverse which are procedural generated loaded with procedural generated content.
We are using the oh so awesome "Unity" to develop this baby of ours!
Lil Boi(s)
Creations from our main character. These little guys have abilities that will surprise you and your enemies. You will come across many challenges and they will do whatever it takes to help him overcome them.
3D Concepts

2D Concepts

Come back soon to checkout what new adventures we're up against!
We'll be constantly updating our progress. Sign up for our newsletter and connect with us on social media to keep up with whats going on.